Showing posts with label senseparadise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label senseparadise. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Quick Monsoon Skin Care Tips By Sumeet Suryodhan|Sense Paradise|Lifestyle Blog

I feel sexy when I'm natural. When I hear good music. WhenI feel sunlight on my skin.
     -Lotte Verbeek

Instagram - @sumeetsuryodhan

Now that the summer is taking a leave, monsoon is around the corner and it can mess with your skin. Due to humidity, suddenly the skin tends to become oily, dry and dehydrated. So, it is essential to give that Tender Loving Care to your skin to keep various skin problems like allergies, rashes, infections, eczema and so on at bay. 

Skin care tips: Sumeet Suryodhan (Lifestyle Blogger on Sense Paradi) and, lays down tips to protect your skin.

Instagram - @sumeetsuryodhan

The immunity level of the body becomes low during monsoon. There are several infections taking place in the body which lead to number of diseases related to different systems.  There can be stomach problems like indigestion, dysentery, and typhoid or there can be respiratory problems like common cold, cough and asthma and also skin problems like eczema, rashes, prickly heat boils and pimples.

The season tends to infect the air, atmosphere, surroundings food and drinks that are the basic necessities for a person to live.  Skin and hair also cannot be left behind from the harsh treatment of the moist humid rainy weather.

What are the tips to to maintain skin moisture & Health in Monsoon ?
5 Proven Sense Paradise Tips to maintain skin health and moisture by Sumeet Suryodhan.

Do you feel itchy; do boils, redness and burning sensation occur during monsoon? Be careful and read this!  Cleansing:  Is essential. It removes the grime from your skin. Use micellar water to remove makeup.
For cleansing, liquid face washes and foams score over soaps.

Toning: Do it after cleansing. During the rainy season, airborne and waterborne microbes are let loose. So a good anti-bacterial toner will go a long way to prevent skin infections and eruptions. Use a cotton bud and just dab the product on the skin. But, if your skin is dry avoid using it or use a mild toner. Toners are a good option for oily and acne prone skin.

Moisturizer :  During monsoon, despite the humidity in the air, our skin can be completely dehydrated. The result is a dull and lifeless skin which has no sheen. Moisturizing the skin daily during night is a must. People who spend a lot of time in an air-conditioned environment need to moisturize more frequently as it makes the skin feel itchy. Use a non-water based moisturizer, if you happen to get wet often. Otherwise, a water- based moisturizer will do.

Sunscreen : Don’t step out without sunscreen protection since, our skin needs protection from UVA and UVB rays. Apply 30 SPF sunscreen 20 minutes before you venture out in the sun. and re-apply it after every 3-4 hours. Use a water-proof makeup.

Keep dry: Try to keep the body folds dry especially and use anti-fungal cream and a dusting powder. Avoid wearing wet clothes. When you are out, keep some tissues/absorbent towel with you to wipe the excess rain water.

Maintenance: Make sure your skin is radiant, blemish and acne free. In case of any breakouts or skin rashes, visit your dermatologist for expert advice.

So what are you waiting for., try this 11 proven ways to get skin healthy by using sense paradise Health tips from sumeet suryodhan

For more update regarding Fashion|Fitness|Lifestyle stay connected and subscribe.
You can follow me on Instagram: @sumeet suryodhan and
Facebook : sumeet suryodhan
Subscribe my youtube Channel : Sumeet Suryodhan
For more tips and guide related to healthy lifestyle, d
o share your views in comment section below.
For more guide and article related to skin care you can check this " 
12 best tips to keep skin moisturize in winter by sense paradise|lifestyleblog "

TagsSecrets to clear skin, Popular skincare, Combination skin, Oily skin, Skin care routines compilation, Acne prone skin care, Hydrated skin, Clear skin, Skin care routines dry skin, Skin care routines, Skin care tips, Skincare routine, Skin care

#Sumilization #blogger #cure #skincare #tips #naturally #home-remedies #trick #senseparadise  #skinmoisturizing #wintercare #sumeetsuryodhan

Saturday, December 8, 2018

11 Proven tips by Sense Paradise to Remove dark Circle Overnight|Sense Paradise|Lifestyleblog

Love yourself enough to live a healthy lifestyle.
     - Jules Robson

Hey Everyone, are you looking for tips to remove Dark Circle Overnight ?

Since, I started my Suggestion Queries Series; I received many emails and messages .
(Thank you so much for all the trust and faith in me and Sense Paradise I will definitely get back to you all as soon as I can).
In most of these emails, people are looking for natural ways to to get rid of Dark Circles. If you are one of them, then this is the post for you, before that thank you for the likes & support for the last articles you all made. i hope you liked it and it is helping you all to get rid from pimples-acne.
if you still haven't read you can read it here- "
8 Natural Ways by Sense Paradise to get rid of Pimples-acne|Sense Paradise|Lifestyleblog"

What are the tips to remove Dark Circle Overnight ?

First of all what is dark circle and what causes that dark circle appears.

Dark Circles under Eyes

Dark circles under the eyes (periorbital dark circles or periorbital puffiness) can be a big worry for the beauty-conscious as well as for normal people. These circles or bags take away the freshness of the face and leave the person looking pale, ill, and even old.

Dark-colored semicircles under the eyes, or shadowed grooves called “tear tracks,” may give the impression of age or ill health. But this impression may be incorrect; appearance is not necessarily reality.

Usually, dark circles are more a cosmetic issue than a real health concern. A person with dark circles under his or her eyes may not be old or unwell, but just have unusually thin skin, unusually highly colored blood vessels, puffy skin, sagging skin, or hyper pigmented skin under the eyes, either for genetic reasons, or because of some temporary condition.

Causes of Dark Circles

Let’s discuss the ultimate causes of dark circles. There are many causes, so there are many actions you can take to address them.

Thin skin under the eyes.
    Skin under the eyes is thinner than skin elsewhere (half a millimeter or less, as opposed to about two millimeters), and so is more transparent; it shows the blood vessels underneath more clearly than other skin does. Skin under the eyes may be even more transparent if it is pale due to anemia or pregnancy. The blood beneath it appears bluish rather than reddish because skin transmits blue light better than other colors. Thus skin around the eyes may appear bluish, brownish, or even greenish, depending on a person's basic skin color.

Extra melanin (dark pigment) in the skin around the eyes.
   This hyper-pigmentation is common among people of South Asian or Mediterranean descent. It is genetic and has nothing to do with age or illness. A dermatologist may treat this pigmentation pattern with a cream including hydroquinone (bleach).

Shadows from sagging skin under the eyes.
  Skin may sag into a pouchy, hammock-like shape because age and sun have destroyed much of the collagen and elastin, the stretchy proteins that make young skin look smooth and taut. The sagging skin is thinner in places, and so looks darker, and the “tear trough” area under the hammock looks dark because it is in shadow.

Shadows from puffiness or edema.
  Fluid retention can cause the skin to dome up around the eyes, leaving a shadow below. Allergies, crying, temporary illness, excessive salt consumption, or stress (which releases cortisol and increases blood volume) can cause puffiness.

11 Proven Sense Paradise Tips to remove Dark Circle.
There are many things you can do to eliminate dark circles under your eyes and keep them from coming back.

Green Vegetables
  • Include plenty of green vegetables, fruits, and vitamins in your diet. Eat seasonal fruit like bananas, mangoes, and oranges, along with vegetables like spinach, greens, carrots, and brinjals (eggplant). Include plenty of iron in your diet, from whole grains, legumes, eggs, or iron supplements. Reduce salt in your diet to reduce puffiness.

  • Arrange your life to reduce stress. Stress releases cortisol, which causes increased blood volume and puffiness, and has other undesired effects.

  • Stay hydrated; dehydration causes thin and sagging skin. Use moisturizer. Limit cigarettes and alcohol.

  • To keep looking young years longer, protect your face and eyes from the sun. Ultraviolet light from the sun destroys protein in the skin. Use sunscreen and a hat when you go out.

  • To eradicate morning puffiness and bluish color, apply something that cools the skin and the capillaries beneath it, reducing swelling and making the blood vessels less visible. Apply cucumber or potato slices, chilled spoons, or bags of ice water to the area around the eye for up to an hour and a half.
  • Remove all eye make-up, like eyeliner and mascara, before going to sleep. Anything that irritates eyes can leave them watery and puffy.

  • Daily exercise circulates blood throughout the body and the face, reducing puffiness. Concentrate on yoga too, which stimulates your breathing, leaving fresh skin.
  • Use a Neti-Pot to rinse the nasal passages, to relieve sinus infections and hay fever that cause puffiness under the eyes.

  • To reduce puffiness, a temporary cause of dark circles, change your sleeping habits. Sleep on your back, elevating your head with one or more pillows. Gravity lets fluid buildup drain away.
    Get Sleep well
  • Sleep well (doctors advise at least eight hours sleep daily) to have a fresh and circle-free face. Lots of sleep means less stress and thus less puffiness.
  • Control allergies and the puffiness they cause. Take proper medication for allergies to airborne materials like flour or smoke. If you have dust allergies, make your bedroom as dust-free as possible: use bare floors, put dust covers on mattress and pillows, and remove or cover upholstered furniture, clothes, books, and papers.

9  Great quick tips by Sense Paradise for getting rids of Dark Circles (Overnight).

It has natural bleaching properties which can lighten the dark circles. Use potato juice under the eyes for about 15 mints or overnight.

Chamomile or green tea:
Soak cotton pads in chamomile or green tea and use it as an eye mask.

Rose water:
Use rose water under the eyes as it will help tone and lighten the skin under the eyes.

Coconut or almond oil:
Massage a small amount of almond, coconut oil or coffee oil to reduce fine lines.

Blend a tomato into a thick paste and apply it under the eyes to lighten and brighten the skin.

Use cucumber slices or juice on the eyes.

Apply a thin layer of honey mask under the eyes for 20 mints or overnight.

Put a small amount of mint juice under the eyes, leave it on for 30 mins or overnight.

Aloe Vera:
Use a small amount of pure Aloe Vera gel just under the eyes to soothe and protect the skin.

So what are you waiting for., try this 11 proven ways to get rid of dark-circles naturally and live a healthy lifestyle by using sense paradise Health tips.

For more update regarding Fashion|Fitness|Lifestyle stay connected and subscribe.
You can follow me on Instagram: @suryodhan_sumeet and
Facebook : sumeet suryodhan
For more tips and guide related to healthy lifestyle, do share your views in comment section below.
For more guide and article related to Fitness you can check this "
Hair Growth- 9 Powerful Sense Paradise Homemade Tips & Remedies for hair growth|Senseparadise|Lifestyleblog"

Tags: dark circles,how to remove dark circles,how to get rid of dark circles,remove dark circles,remove dark circles fast,remedies to remove dark circles,dark circles under eyes home remedy,dark circles under eyes,dark circles remove,remove dark circles in a day,remove dark circles permanently,dark circle remover,dark eye circles,home remedy for dark circles under eyes,dark circle

#Sumilization #blogger #cure #dark-circles #tips #naturally #home-remedies #trick #senseparadise  #dark-circlesremove #fastcure

Monday, November 26, 2018

8 Natural Ways by Sense Paradise to get rid of Pimples-acne|Sense Paradise|Lifestyleblog

Good Health and Good Sense are two of life's greatest blessing.
         -Publilius Syrus.

Hey Guys, Looking for ways to get rid of Pimples/Acnes ?

Since, I started my Suggestion Queries Series; I received many emails and messages .
(Thank you so much for all the trust and faith in me and Sense Paradise I will definitely get back to you all as soon as I can).
In most of these emails, people are looking for natural ways to to get rid of Pimples. If you are one of them, then this is the post for you, before that thank you for the likes & support for the last articles you all made. i hope you liked it and it is helping you all to lose weight and stay strong. 
if you still haven't read you can read it here- "
12 Proven Sense Paradise ways to lose weight|SenseParadise|Fitnessblog"

What are some natural ways to get rid of pimples/acnes fast ?

This question originally appeared on QuoraAnswer by Jasmine Jones, Researcher at Cambridge Institute for Medical Research. 

Sometimes you don't have time to make a trip to the dermatologist's office or pharmacy for a pimple treatment. Try these naturally home remedies when you need to get rid of pimples fast and effectively. 
So here are some Natural ways by Sense Paradise to get rid of Pimples/Acnes.
1. Lemon Juice.
Lemon Juice
Lemon is rich of vitamin C that can be an excellently effective solution to treat pimples.
How to use: Cut a fresh lemon and use a juicer to make lemon juice. Plunge a piece of cotton into this juice and apply this directly to pimples.
Alternatively, mix well 1 teaspoon of lemon juice with the same amount of cinnamon powder. After that, place the mixture on the pimples and let it sit for all night. Remove it in the next morning to see improvement.
2. Ice.
Ice can support the blood circulation to the pimples areas and remove the dirt and oil on the skin. As soon as you apply, the pimples will quickly disappear. Prepare an ice bag by putting some ices in a cotton towel or a piece of cloth and apply it directly to the affected areas. Hold it for about 3 to 4 minutes. Repeat the process several times to get the best results.

3. Honey
Honey is an amazing ingredient for how to get rid of pimples that is very powerful in speeding up the healing process. It has antibiotic property that can prevent the infections as well.
Plunge a cotton swab completely in honey then apply this it to your pimples. Let it sit for about 30 minutes before removing it. After that, clean your skin with lukewarm water and dry with a cotton towel. Do this at least 2 times a week to get the best effects.

4. Garlic.

Cut half fresh garlic clove and apply pieces of garlic directly to the pimples areas. Leave them for 5 minutes then rinse off with lukewarm water.
Repeat the remedies many times in a day to get more effects.

Garlic is well known for antiviral, anti-fungal, antiseptic and antioxidant properties. Therefore it can help you on how to get rid of pimples as soon as you apply.

5. Baking Soda.
Baking Soda
Baking soda is very effective in removing excess oil and dead skin cells as well as exfoliating the skin. Due to that, it is a highly regarded solution for how to get rid of pimples that are caused by mentioned factors above.
Mix well one teaspoon of baking soda with a little amount of water or lemon juice to get a paste. Apply the paste to the pimples and leave it for several minutes. Wash it off with fresh water. Repeat the process 2 times a day to get relief soon.

6. Cucumber.
Cucumber is very rich of vitamins such as A, C and E. Thus, it is very effective in cooling your body and can be used widely for beauty purposes.
Slice a cucumber into several pieces and put them in a pot of water. Let these cucumber pieces soak for about 1 minute so that the vitamins in cucumber can leach into water. Drink the liquid or use it to wash your face.

Alternatively, make a cucumber mask by grinding cucumber. Apply the mask onto your face for at least 15 minutes then remove it. Wash off your face with lukewarm water.
7. water.
Boring, repetitive advice ?
It also happens to be absolutely correct:
water is the most important thing for human health. Unsurprisingly, this includes those trying to lose weight. water is the most critical element of human health.
Water, water, water. You’re welcome

8. Tea Tree oil.
Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is an excellent home remedy for athlete’s foot, an infection that is found on the skin of the feet and causes itching, blisters, or inflammation of the infected part
Applying one or two drops of tea tree oil on the affected areas can reduce corns and warts. But if you have sensitive skin, it is recommended to use a diluted version of the oil. The best carrier oils for dilution are coconut oil and olive oil.

All these mentioned were the effective home remedies to get rid of pimples in a Natural way by Sense Paradise.
And if you are facing a sudden pimples on your face & want to get rid of it by overnight then follow the below mentioned Sense Paradise way.

8 Great trick by Sense Paradise for getting rids by pimples (Overnight)

  1. Get a superstar cleanser.
  2. Cortisone injections.
  3. Hydro-cortisone cream.
  4. Spot treatments.
  5. Crushed aspirin.
  6. Tea tree oil.
  7. Skin the toothpaste.
  8. Keep your hands off.
  9. Drink lots of water.

So what are you waiting for., try this 8 proven ways to get rid of pimples/acne naturally and live a healthy lifestyle by using sense paradise Health tips.

For more update regarding Fashion|Fitness|Lifestyle stay connected and subscribe.
You can follow me on Instagram: @suryodhan_sumeet and
Facebook : sumeet suryodhan
For more tips and guide related to healthy lifestyle, do share your views in comment section below.
For more guide and article related to Fitness you can check this "
Hair Growth- 9 Powerful Sense Paradise Homemade Tips & Remedies for hair growth|Senseparadise|Lifestyleblog"

Tagspimples,how to get rid of pimples,how to remove pimples,get rid of pimples fast,get rid of pimples overnight,remove pimples from face,how to get rid of pimples fast,remove pimples naturally,how to fight pimples,face wash pimples,tips to fight pimples,fights pimple,how to reduce pimples,how to prevent pimples,get rid of pimples at home,pimples removal,acne,fight acne,acne scars,acne treatment,how to cure acne,cure acne,best acne treatment,how to fight acne,get rid of acne,adult acne,fight acne overnight,acne (disease or medical condition),how to cover acne,acne mask,the best foods to fight acne,how to get rid of acne,fade acne scars,acne cream,foods to get rid of acne,reduce acne

#Sumilization #blogger #acne #pimples #cure #naturally #home-remedies #fightacne #tips #trick #senseparadise  #scareremove #fastcure 

Thursday, November 15, 2018

12 Proven Sense Paradise ways to lose weight|SenseParadise|Fitnessblog

We do not stop exercising because we grow old - we grow old because we stop exercising.
     -Kenneth Cooper.

Hey Guys, Looking for diet or exercise tips or ways to lose weight?

Since, I started my Suggestion Queries Series; I received many emails and messages .
(Thank you so much for all the trust and faith in me and Sense Paradise I will definitely get back to you all as soon as I can).
In most of these emails, people are looking for natural ways to lose weight. If you are one of them, then this is the post for you, before that thank you for the likes & support for the last articles you all made. i hope you liked it and it is helping you all to stop hair-fall and regrowth new hair. 
if you still haven't read you can read it here- "Hair Growth- 9 Powerful Sense Paradise Homemade Tips & Remedies for hair growth|Senseparadise|Lifestyleblog"

So before i start the articles related to , 12 Proven Sense Paradise ways to lose weight let me tell you that;
These are my tried and tested ways to lose weight, i was 68 kg 2 months before and now i am 59 kg.
Have you ever given any thought as to just how confusing and contradictory different messages are about how to lose weight?

As you read these very words, some marketing company is thinking about how to sell some fad diet or exercise product/service – oftentimes through deceit.

Some of these methods do in fact work, but the main issue is, 60 to 75 percent (depending on the source) of people who subscribe to a diet or exercise regimen for weight loss: they regain at least half of it – and sometimes more – within a few months or years.
Oh, and exercising – while the best thing for health – is not the best way to lose weight. (Be that as it may, you should still get regular exercise. Physical activity is the way to lower cholesterol and blood sugar; prevent cancer; improve attention, energy, mood, and sleep, and many other reasons.)
Also, strength training – not cardio – is probably more conducive to weight loss.
So what the heck are we supposed to do besides keep exercising?
Don’t worry. We’re not going to leave you in a lurch.

So here are the 12 Proven Sense Paradise ways to lose weight.

1. Look in your medicine cabinet.
Look in your medicine cabinet.

“As many as 10% to 15% of weight issues are related to medications.” many chemicals goes on to cite a few drug classes thought to contribute to a bulging waistline.
– Allergy relievers
– Anti-depressants
– Beta-blockers
– Diabetes medicines
– Migraine medicines
– Mood stabilizers
– Seizure medications

Note: Before altering your medication, it is essential to first get approval from a licensed physician.

2. Chew your food right way.
Chew your food right way.

Our brain needs a certain amount of time to pass before shouting “I’m full!”
Multiple studies have shown that slower chewing leads to less food intake — associating with increased satiety (feelings of fullness) and smaller portions. When we’re hungry, it is much tougher to follow this advice; we’re more prone to shoveling heaps of food into our mouths. Alas, not being conscious of this will not help you lose weight.
No matter how your stomach may feel, try to chew your food for at least 10 seconds.

3.Hide unhealthy stuff.

Hide unhealthy stuff.

That’s right. Keep those cookies and cakes out of sight. Better yet, don’t buy them to begin with.
Numerous studies link the presence of fattening and sugary foods with weight gain and more frequent cravings. If you have a sweet tooth, try stocking more fruits like apples and bananas – and keep them in your eye line!

4. Eat viscous fiber.

Eat viscous fiber.

It is well known that adequate fiber intake increases satiety or feelings of fullness and will help you lose weight. Studies demonstrate that viscous fiber, in particular, is beneficial because it slows the digestion process.
Sources of concentrated viscous fiber include beans, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, flax seeds, oats, and oranges.

5. Practice mindful eating.

Practice mindful eating.

People who minimize distractions while eating – also known as ‘mindful eating’ – consume about 10 percent less food per meal.
Not paying attention while eating, or engaging in mind wandering, may cause someone to overeat during later meals. Some research shows that a person is likely to eat as much as 25 percent more calories later on in the day.

6. Get rid of soda.

Get rid of soda.

Sugar may just be the worst thing for people trying to lose weight. Actually, sugar may just be the worst ingredient ever made. Sugary drinks like soda have been linked to multiple diseases across the world.
Worse, sugar included in beverages gives no feelings of fullness; so we’re far more likely to eat a bunch of junk food after drinking that first soda, fruit juice, etc. Healthy beverage alternatives include coffee, green tea, and water.

Note: this does not apply to natural sugars, such as those found in fruits.

7. Drink lots of water.

Drink lots of water.
Drink lots of water.

Boring, repetitive advice ?
It also happens to be absolutely correct:
water is the most important thing for human health. Unsurprisingly, this includes those trying to lose weight. water is the most critical element of human health.
Regarding weight loss: researchers found that drinking about 16 ounces of water led to 44 percent more weight loss over a 12-week period.
Water, water, water. You’re welcome

8. Drink (unsweetened) Green tea.

Drink (unsweetened) green tea.

Green tea is a natural beverage that is loaded with antioxidants.
Drinking green tea is linked with many benefits, such as increased fat burning and weight loss
Green tea may increase energy expenditure by 4% and increase selective fat burning by up to 17%, especially harmful belly
green tea is a variety of powdered green tea that may have even more powerful health benefits than regular green tea.

9. Eat more fruits & vegetables.

Eat more fruits & vegetables.
Eat more fruits & vegetables.

Fruits and vegetables are extremely healthy, weight-loss-friendly foods.
In addition to being high in water, nutrients and fiber, they usually have very low energy density. This makes it possible to eat large servings without consuming too many calories.
Numerous studies have shown that people who eat more fruits and vegetables tend to weigh less.

10. Add eggs to your diet.

Add eggs to your diet.
Add eggs to your diet.

Eggs are the ultimate weight loss food. They are cheap, low in calories, high in protein and loaded with all sorts of nutrients.
High-protein foods have been shown to reduce appetite and increase fullness, compared to foods that contain less protein
Furthermore, eating eggs for breakfast may cause up to 65% greater weight loss over 8 weeks, compared to eating bagels for breakfast. It may also help you eat fewer calories throughout the rest of the day.

11. Get enough sleep.
Get enough sleep.

Getting enough sleep is incredibly important for weight loss, as well as to prevent future weight gain. studies have shown that sleep-deprived people are up to 55% more likely to become obese, compared to those who get enough sleep. This number is even higher for children this is partly because sleep deprivation disrupts the daily fluctuations in appetite hormones, leading to poor appetite regulation

12. Focus on changing your lifestyle.

Focus on changing lifestyle

Dieting is one of those things that almost always fail in the long term. In fact, people who "diet" tends to gain more weight over time Instead of focusing only on losing weight, make it a primary goal to nourish your body with healthy food and nutrients.

Eat to become a healthier, happier,  fitter person -- not just to lose weight.

7 More Sense Paradise tips to lose weight even more faster..!

Eat a high-protein breakfast
Avoid sugary drinks 
Drink water a half hour before meals
Choose weight loss-friendly foods
Eat soluble fiber
Drink coffee or Green tea
Eat mostly whole, unprocessed foods

So what are you waiting for., try this 12 proven ways to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle by using sense paradise fitness tips.

For more update regarding Fashion|Fitness|Lifestyle stay connected and subscribe.
You can follow me on Instagram: @suryodhan_sumeet and
Facebook : sumeet suryodhan
For more tips and guide related to healthy lifestyle, do share your views in comment section below.
For more guide and article related to Fitness you can check this " 
No gym ? exercises at home"

Tagsweight loss,weight loss tips,how to lose weight,weight loss journey,weight loss drink,weight loss motivation,weight loss transformation,lose weight,fat loss,weight,weight loss diet plan,losing weight,how i lost weight,fast weight loss,weight loss story,vegan weight loss,weight loss shakes,weight loss (symptom),weight loss workout,lose weight fast,my weight loss journey,how to lose weight fast,sumilization,senseparadise

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