Friday, April 19, 2019

12 best tips to keep skin moisturize in winter by sense paradise|lifestyleblog

Good health and Good Sense are two of life's greatest blessings.
            - Publilius Syrus

 Hello everyone, how is your winter season going on... I hope so you liked my previous post related to removing of dark circles., if you haven't read, check it now "11 Proven tips by Sense Paradise to Remove dark Circle Overnight|Sense Paradise|Lifestyleblog."

Today i will discuss something interesting which is required for every male & female.
Today's article is specially related to how to keep moisturizing skin in winter. 
Since, I started my Suggestion Queries Series; I received many emails and messages .
(Thank you so much for all the trust and faith in me and Sense Paradise I will definitely get back to you all as soon as I can).
In most of these emails, people are looking for natural ways to keep skin moisturize in winter. If you are one of them, then this is the post for you, before that thank you for the likes & support for the last articles you all made. i hope you liked it and it is helping you all to get rid from Dark Circles.

In the winter months, however, when activity decreases and leisure time moves indoors, it isn’t as easy to maintain healthy skin. Winter weather is not fun for skin. Cold weather and low humidity levels result in dry air, which then steals moisture away from the skin every second of every day. Without immediate care, dry skin can lead to cracking and bleeding, and harsh winter wind makes the problem worse. Indoor heat further robs the air of moisture, as do hot showers or baths and harsh cleansers.
Additional moisture helps, but you need to do more to actually counteract these effects and keep skin looking youthful and smooth. To reduce chapping, redness, itching, and keep skin more healthy and comfortable this season, try these tips.

1. Wash face in Lukewarm Water.
Hot showers and baths always feel good in the winter, but when you can, particularly when just washing your face or hands; choose lukewarm water to avoid stripping as many oils washes away from the skin.

2. Moisturizer your skin in winter.
You may have a moisturizer that works just fine in the spring and summer, but as weather conditions change, so too, should your skin care routine. Find an “ointment” moisturizer that’s oil-based, rather than water based, as the oil will create a protective layer on the skin that retains more moisture than a cream or lotion.

It is better to choose your oils with care because not all oils are appropriate for the face. Instead, look for oils like avocado oil, mineral oil, primrose oil, or almond oil.
You can also look for lotions containing “humectants,” a class of substances that attract moisture to your skin.

3. Choose Moisturizer Carefully.

Some over-the-counter moisturizers have petroleum-based ingredients that can actually further dry your skin in the winter months. Be sure to choose a smart formula that has natural, nourishing ingredients. Go for an oil-based rather than a water-based solution, as it’s more likely to help your skin retain moisture in the winter. Try Vaseline body lotion or  natural moisturizing oils, as they’re made with natural, hydrating ingredients like lavender, chamomile, jojoba, and more, which help soothe dry, itchy skin.
4. Moisturize Immediately Afterwards.
Your skin not only needs more moisture, but moisture right after you wash. Applying moisture to damp skin helps seal that dampness into the skin. Keep a bottle near the bathtub, shower stall, and at every sink and use liberally every time you wash.

5. Drink plenty of water. 

We tend to drink less water in the winter because we turn to hot drinks like cocoa and tea, but don’t forget that your skin needs hydration from the inside, out. A little warm water with lemon can be very refreshing and hydrating at the same time.
6. Overnight Moisturize.Dryer areas like hands, feet, elbows, and knees have thin skin and tend to lose moisture faster than other areas on the body. Consider slathering on a deep moisturizing lotion by Vaseline at night, then wear cotton gloves and socks to seal in the moisture until morning.
7. Protect your skin.
Get used to wearing gloves and scarves to protect skin from cold winds, rain, and snow. Also, don’t forget the sunscreen. Winter sun can be just as damaging as summer sun.
8. Exfoliate.
We often forget to help the skin slough off dead cells in the winter, particularly on our hands. Yet moisture can’t get in if the dead cells are too plentiful. Find an exfoliating mask and use it on your face and your hands, as well as gently on your lips, then follow immediately with moisture to truly see a smoother difference. Exfoliating body washes are also helpful in the winter months.

9. Avoid Toxins, Specifically Allergens and Irritants.
Particularly if you have eczema, dermatitis, or psoriasis, you have to avoid allergens and irritants that may trigger a flare up. Winter skin is more fragile, so avoid irritating fabrics (like wool) and chemical-laden detergents, and use mild cleansers and moisturizers designed for sensitive skin. In addition, glutathione is considered the “master anti-oxidant” and helps your body detox.

10. Use honey for dry & rough skin in winter

To soften stubborn dry patches on rough elbows and knees, opt for a rich, hydrating scrub. “I use a simple mix of honey and sugar,” says Ford makeup artist Lisa Trunda. Studies show that humectants honey reduces inflammation and sugar increases circulation in the skin, says Miami dermatologist Jeremy Green, MD.
“This can be especially helpful in winter when blood flow is typically diverted from the skin to keep your core warm.”

11. Hydrate From the Inside Out.

Eating foods high in water content can help hydrate your skin from the inside out. Try watermelon, cantaloupe, apples, oranges, kiwi, and watery veggies like celery, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, and carrots. Make sure you’re getting enough vitamin C and zinc to support the healthy production of collagen and elastin. Also consider Be Well’s omega-3 supplement, or consume more fatty fish and flaxseed to give your skin the building blocks it needs to appear supple and smooth.

12. Use DIY Masks.

Homemade hydrating masks can provide needed moisture in the winter months. Use natural moisturizing ingredients like honey, avocado, yogurt, olive and jojoba oils, almond oil, bananas, and aloe. Mix what you like together to create a cream or paste, and leave on skin for 10-30 minutes for lasting hydration.
So what are you waiting for., try this 11 proven ways to get rid of dark-circles naturally and live a healthy lifestyle by using sense paradise Health tips.

So what are you waiting for., try this 12 proven ways to keep skin moisturize and live a healthy lifestyle by using sense paradise fitness tips.
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For more tips and guide related to healthy lifestyle, do share your views in comment section below.
For more guide and article related to Fitness you can check this "
12 Proven Sense Paradise ways to lose weight|SenseParadise|Fitnessblog"

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